Using the Bulk Action Features within HighLevel





Using the Bulk Actions features in your Contacts/Smart Lists section within HighLevel, you can perform multiple one-off actions to selected or all contacts. From sending an email or SMS to updating the pipeline stage and more, follow the steps below to learn how to use this feature.

RXZZlokW5KGDbtiOxaWs8ElSzjz7BkiJUUfygJZY2DgkY1D KjFBLsva vMKEXXRoXtaTHj8zw40u7 RjR KEAHzCW9ifV21zWg4wPUtys9OpcWT5

Part 1: What Actions Are Available In HighLevel?

  • Pipeline Change: Add/Update the Opportunity for multiple Contacts. Choose a pipeline, stage, opportunity, lead value, and more.
b6FFGulnJCVJFyNQIWQ OjSwraz635DfSWmMi7j W6oo88PDLmBsBA VSk2Q5zTnUmfAY2YKLFjxZ 4g5Xd19ObWm cvN wLLpchJ1X2Ix2naEPAIM5TwPBvCLB7O69dP TrK4=s0
T30HXf C3kh c5O7XEmiRs6bQoY1 HqIbdnPVXA4H4ltggbqdFwsVl50c7 d7QweaFxeg53bcig9H19Q
  • Add to Campaign/Workflow: Choose a campaign or workflow to bulk-add contacts into:
g2V9vicUG8aKnP4f7KyidgVfgv3EMZVxXXVlBx1Uoy5LCW8LKTicXm8WTiFqkRr lOAelKFlL BpcapaQEhvDz9fRvdeBqz1lEqPnMF5pPTDbp W50H0GzoSZnTlnv0TNvFoT5E=s0
MJ1QRTWa2qcOVsvUWQAer352mW 8QKKjcW gI8oqWsq2PF 6o9ubglzlPF5LKzfNOsbGkQ1ndgaKWRVoYb4E3vytRV1iJBKSI9l mfo8vYPQnx5JjO kZ8d3kq3PFkRS3mTzrrc=s0
  • Send SMS: Type out a one-time SMS or select from your templates.
jeeVFELTmEspwV2wngtae71RQ bz3hzv6 beHV3RE wKNQbRaJ8Q7r12 SNf6e3y7XoadRY2Xi4DRR7mpeoux5BQ6j8 NazSqlCuqqQmoK4WpU4aZehvuBy RoiQFQCdjgKRTCs=s0
QZLIkMKYb82 pz7RkOatdqVW4ztlRLppQt2kX TDXhpS w08kyMhWTkvYJlGGEY0JtwKQnk3sS2cqarJS9fl0McLWkcryyF0KZB0WFRJOdUeNW 8HE8d942iqVKPLfP9QRV45z8=s0
  • Send Email: Type out a one-time email or select from your templates.
TwZOpsujCZTJDfW7 E1FpEBoD4fKq6k vDSVsWVoDw9XDgXK9J11j0 BOS FDeULL69Yg0d C52U9EdnnpkJ 3DV9th0U8a5egtMIvEVsD3S6cuIXFCdLLIwSi4qLU1 R b33ek=s0
  • Add/Remove Tag: Apply or remove one or multiple tags from the selected contacts.
WrGK1RiUqf WYA4DfKNWhcbQQuaWedqx21UV1LFTqMmpMWudlxnDpMhO aZq2xRStJIqf4g5seuDQbboiBySUyYWTt8hZOIMY azyQlU4 YLkbZYlVXMoQzWi5UJ5SEx6f ARPw=s0
FroPMGqQSOl Heyq orn3bgsd9NdSv ctMYqoRC7c66DMsh8YZ9qRevzuNC xPv1Z1jdSR7VZj3zTWkum5dXpRFooczJ5GXEi8kHz3wVtjzkyrVjxzsCNzaKgxyw9 mIZDIK U=s0
B0z8n1vAEHXZuTkNOWo JP9Q451EuW8biMPlRgi1eWDHtxK9SgFIZKEPjpWPyzRby1caQcTnJlz0JHjXfjKd4a99EJ2g5 J
  • Delete Contacts: Delete the selected contacts fromHighLevel. Please note: deleting any contact will also remove them from Conversation, Notes, Opportunities, Tasks, Appointments, Manual Actions and Campaigns.
6 Vo6d2HLevcclzrn2iiZcYjAQxOh80rH4M7g B1nqTjrIFCtm7cXGrAm Hy1UgLex3VeZPSEUJ9BfLaZS5s I 3F
7pq3eRszXtTYtzkRZJuqQXDIq8BGUn jA0TXxS9kqBmBeSoNEGNaIXdak CkXR203GxkSklemPV EPjONCPnhG74zjC3Aa monTIwEkIvR TTSZvYtKFIQFu YLzY6aKVrkFS4o=s0
  • Export Contacts: Export a list of selected contact records from the system into a .csv file that will save to your computer.
  • Import Contacts: Please refer to our article on How to Import Contacts for a full tutorial.
tmpZU9jAjhpCbp0 8EDKxgagid7Pns CWBjhT cE6ls 7Qpds90gg9GN8xYBLbuZSS0543jwTab9CpbjosmWfSmzedCjaTx LGVFUrBFiP6zy3e0J4O6 OC3 Toz QIGchcELXc=s0
ChnQqksQg0N7B5dsbG65hqh BnUZkK9T9qD MaXbDYVrCFEmrZgU7QYjKz3kDY
  • Send Review Requests: Here you can send a review request to multiple contacts at once within HighLevel. (Be sure you have your “Reputation” section set up for reviews.)
ETcsnq3IsX5kKl5OZZsiPjA6NZSviUONcfzsdbhxLnAYPh7sOVxUImgffoMcQP5Pyz2PbMAdbaVHtalMZ2hG21vSQc7gVUE ksjmYz80
  •  Merge Duplicate Contacts: Merge up to 10 duplicate contacts (Please refer to our article on merging duplicates for a full walk-through).
4yTyMH6B00A1vNm8w7N N9BqFSLMzXQIGrYs2E6obsD XID2omNGAPyJnysDc jn6 I7WxfKO5quVxI0ukPUSkJmgGesTpPbTjv8uHBgrbfp x6OSdD1l Jc2iM5XuOuq5a4GTc=s0
14R2h o49z0ZZZGB3VEw3sUg9FVhRbC8PfmPFSQm07rcQFO7J1iJcMxhMPyw7MPVnIvMKZJtAnnk qUeBu2QJTMV MAluMrFLYDOz PEMgfHjPRwZ3eMJM7wHKfyTyfVeDLI4es=s0

Part 2: How To Use The Actions within HighLevel

Step 1: Navigate to Contacts > Contacts/Smart Lists.

Step 2: Select the contact records you want to use a bulk action for. You can individually click through and select specific contacts, or you can check the box at the top to select all.

Step 3: Choose the action you want to apply.

Step 4: Follow the steps for the specific action in the pop-up window. 

Part 3: View a list of your pending and current bulk actions in the Contact Request Page.

Step 1: Navigate to Contacts > Bulk Actions. Here you can view a list of all your pending Bulk Actions.

Step 2: Cancel or edit a pending action.

  • You can cancel or edit a pending bulk action. You can also toggle to “Completed” in the top right to view a list of completed Bulk Actions in your system.

NOTEWhen scheduling a bulk action in drip mode, the “repeat after” does not repeat the entire process. Instead, it can be viewed as “run every”. As shown in the example below, 100 contacts would be processed per every 5 hours. This process would repeat until all selected contacts received the drip communication. (If you had 780 contacts selected, there would be a total of 8 batches – 7 x 100 and 1 x 80).

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