Action Required: UK SMS Messages Sent Via International Long Codes Will Be Blocked from June 1, 2023





If you’ve recently sent text messages to United Kingdom (UK) mobile numbers using international long codes. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Effective from June 1, 2023, UK network operators will block SMS messages sent with international long codes.
  • This change is happening because UK network operators consider the use of international long codes for Application-To-Person (A2P) SMS as an abuse of Person-To-Person (P2P) routes. To comply, SMS messages to the UK must be sent with a local number.

What do you need to do?

  • Before June 1, 2023, use a local UK number to send A2P messages to the UK:
  • If you are on LC Phone and not sure how to buy an SMS-capable number, please reach out to support so we can buy a mobile UK number for you.
  • If you are not on LC Phone, follow these steps in the Twilio Console:
    • Develop > Phone numbers > Buy a number > Country set to UK > Un-check Voice capabilities
    • This will return a list of numbers you can buy for receiving messages

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What if you don’t take action?

Failure to take action will result in the blockage of SMS messages sent to the UK using international long codes starting from June 1, 2023.