Now we have an action in the workflows that can be used to conduct A/B testing. Send your contacts through multiple paths and check which one gets the better results.
Action Name
Split Action
Action Description
Split action is a powerful tool designed to empower your marketing and sales automation strategies. With Split, you can divide your contacts into multiple paths based on a random distribution according to the selected percentage, allowing you to test different variations of your workflow and identify the best performing one.
Action Details
- Add the Split action to your workflow by clicking on the “+” icon to add an action and selecting “Split” from the “Internal Tools” category.
2. The Split action screen will open.
3. Choose “Random Split” from the Distribution Type dropdown.
4. Customize your paths:
- Change the default “Path A” and “Path B” names to your desired variations.
- Set the percentage of contacts you want to send to each path (total must equal 100%).
5. Add upto 5 paths and remove a path by clicking on “X” icon next to the path you want to delete.
6. Click on the “Statistics” icon to check how many contacts have entered which path.
7. Stats will also be visible in the workflow if the “Stats View” is tuned on.
The distribution in random split is totally random just like rolling a dice is random.
Imagine you have 100 customers entering a workflow. You’ve set up a Random Split with two paths: Path A and Path B, each with a 50% chance of receiving a customer. This split is like flipping a coin: each path has an equal chance of being chosen for each customer.
Here’s how the distribution might look:
- Customer 1: Flips heads, goes to Path A.
- Customer 2: Flips tails, goes to Path A (again).
- Customer 3: Flips heads, goes to Path B.
- Customer 4: Flips tails, goes to Path B (again).
- Customer 5: Flips tails, goes to Path B (again).
- Customer 6: Flips tails, goes to Path A.
This pattern continues randomly, with each customer having a chance of going to either path, regardless of previous choices.