Hosted Video Player For Funnels





Now upload and stream videos with an all new video Player

  • Better interface to upload, change and remove videos.
  • Play videos in different qualities (480P, 720P, 1080P and Auto).
  • Change Playback speed (0.5x 0.75x, 1x, 2x)
  • Play video as a PiP (Picture in Picture)
  • Show/Hide Playback controls, Full screen options and pending time.
  • Show/Hide progress bar and disable seeking in videos.
  • Enable/Disable Autoplay
  • Supports videos up to 4 GB on all major formats.
  • Supported in all major browsers.

Covered in this article:

How to use the Hosted Video feature? (Video)

What do each of the toggles in the Hosted Video Element settings > Playback Controls do?

Related Article:
Tracking Viewer Progress on a Funnel Hosted Video

How to use the Hosted Video feature? (Video)

To make use of the Hosted Video feature, add a video Element to your funnel:

Click on the Video Element, Go to Video Settings on the left and scroll down to Video Type > Choose Hosted Video:
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Then click on Select Video to be taken to your Media Library:

If you do not already have the video that you need to host, Please Upload it:

Please Note:

The video can be in any of the mainstream Video formats as long as it is under 4GB.

Once your video is done uploading, you can double click on the Video file to begin Encoding it:
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Please Note

You can learn more about why a video needs to be encoded for Video Tracking by clicking here. Users can retry encoding by reselecting the video if the video encoding is in failed state. All videos that are in processing for more than a day will automatically get marked as failed.
It is also required so that your viewers can see an option to choose between multiple video qualities. Raw videos can only play in one quality.

What do each of the toggles in the Hosted Video Element settings > Playback Controls do?


Please Note:

According to autoplay regulations autoplaying videos on IOS, Safari, Chrome, Android, Firefox, and Edge must start out muted. This policy is controlled by the browser manufacturers, and all video hosting services must adhere to it.

Here are links to the policy change for each browser:
Autoplaying video policy for IOS
Autoplaying video policy for Safari
Autoplaying video policy for Chrome
Autoplaying video policy for Android
Autoplaying video policy for Firefox
Autoplaying video policy for Edge

Chrome will rely on your viewer’s Media Engagement Index to decide if it will autoplay a video with sound or not. Chrome calculates a media engagement score which is highest on sites where media is played on a regular basis. When it is high enough, media playback is allowed to autoplay with sound on desktop only.

Non auto-played videos start unmuted.

Allow Play/Pause:

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Allow Playback Speed Control:


Show Pending Time:

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Show Full Screen Toggle:



Show Progress Bar:

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Redirect Unregistered Visitors:

If people land on your website’s video page directly using a URL, they may not have filled out their name and information on an Opt-in form. If you plan to track a visitors video viewing progress but they have landed on the video directly, your video progress tracking workflow would not be provided their name and details for it to give you proper stats for a named contact. The workflow would then be adding blank leads to itself.

To avoid such a situation the Redirect Unregistered Visitors toggle can be used to push such visitors to another page which has an Opt-In Form so that they can fill in their name and other details, once they do that they would be brought back to the video. This redirect only pushes those visitors to your designated page that do not have any cookie attached to them which would have otherwise contained information about them.

If a visitor does not allow your site to add cookies to their browser then this redirect may not work. Please be sure to specify which Step/Page you want to Redirect them to:
