- Step 1. Once you Purchase a Twilio Phone Number, here’s how to assign a dedicated Twilio number to each user:
- Step 2. Once you buy the number for the user
- Step 3. Expand Call & Voicemail Settings
- Step 4. Click on the dropdown to Select Twilio Number
- Step 5. To use the assigned Twilio number to initiate calls and SMS, we can add a workflow action Assign to user so the contact will be assigned to the user.
- Step 6. You can use the following custom values in the workflow when sending sms/email:
- Frequently Asked Questions
Step 1. Once you Purchase a Twilio Phone Number, here’s how to assign a dedicated Twilio number to each user:
Go to location Settings > Phone numbers > Click on Add Number
Step 2. Once you buy the number for the user
Go to My Staff > Team Management > Edit the user you want to assign the number to
Step 3. Expand Call & Voicemail Settings
Step 4. Click on the dropdown to Select Twilio Number
Choose the number you bought for the user
We could only assign one Twilio number to one user.
Once the Twilio number is assigned, all calls to that Twilio number will route to the user’s phone number even if the contact is assigned to another user.
Step 5. To use the assigned Twilio number to initiate calls and SMS, we can add a workflow action Assign to user so the contact will be assigned to the user.
All calls & SMS will be using the Twilio number assigned to the user then.
Step 6. You can use the following custom values in the workflow when sending sms/email:
User > Twilio Phone: {{user.twilio_phone_number}}
User > Twilio Phone raw format: {{user.twilio_phone_number_raw}}
Frequently Asked Questions
How to send from the user-assigned Twilio number for manual SMS?
If you assigned the Twilio number to the user but SMS is still sending from the old default Twilio number instead of the Twilio number assigned to the user, please make sure you are login as the user to test SMS.
When sending an SMS to a contact we always get the User who is Logged In to be used as the Sender, we do that because even though the Contact may be Assigned to someone else, the specific User that is there might be talking about something else, or have a different approach, therefore they will want to use their own number to get replies to.
If the user login has no Twilio number assigned, we will use the default Twilio number in the location.
How to use this phone assignment feature for SMS/Voice capable only Twilio number setup?
How to use this phone assignment feature if we bought a new Twilio number and want to keep the old Twilio number to communicate with leads?