How to duplicate a dashboard to another sub-account





Great news for Agency Admins! Now, you can effortlessly duplicate dashboards to different sub-account, saving time and streamlining your reporting process. This guide walks you through the simple steps to clone dashboards, ensuring a smooth transition and providing valuable insights for sub-accounts.


Step 1: Access the dashboard menu

  • Click on the three-dot menu of a dashboard.

Step 2: Choose “Duplicate to another sub-account”

  • Select the option to duplicate the dashboard to a different sub-account.UpgjMI5zn7ihtFpgwUCwePkf4vZDDlO 6w

Step 3: Customize the duplicate dashboard name

  • Change the name of the duplicated dashboard as per your requirement.

Step 4: Select the target sub-account

  • Search and choose the sub-account where you want to duplicate the dashboard.

Step 5: Click duplicate

  • Execute the duplication process.

  • Navigate to the new sub-account to view the duplicate dashboard.QfyuY FUyy5aM3bA1kq HHtu0pGsLa6Nkg

Step 6: Edit widgets with missing custom values

  • If there were any custom values or fields on the original dashboard, those will not be copied to the duplicate, and you will see an error banner informing you about this.Xd5krK3uQ5EeDaHSuHJlZUc6m11FoqnVJA

  • Widgets where such values and fields are missing will be highlighted in red.

  • You can edit those widgets and update the required values and filters.gSvpp7XniIQCPh8SX63Kc9tq5DUv1Cz lw

  • Once done, click save, and the error state will disappearAgbHI0M2nOE4iGrdVrghFuifhBDzbskwbQ

Step 7: Save changes, and you’re ready to roll!

  • Ensure to save any changes made during the duplication process.


Wondering which plan unlocks the customizable multiple Dashboards?
It’s currently available exclusively for the $497 plan and beyond. If you’re on the $97 or $297 plan, we recommend leveling up to unlock this feature. 

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