Great news for Agency Admins! Now, you can effortlessly duplicate dashboards to different sub-account, saving time and streamlining your reporting process. This guide walks you through the simple steps to clone dashboards, ensuring a smooth transition and providing valuable insights for sub-accounts.
- Step 1: Access the dashboard menu
- Step 2: Choose “Duplicate to another sub-account”
- Step 3: Customize the duplicate dashboard name
- Step 4: Select the target sub-account
- Step 5: Click duplicate
- Step 6: Edit widgets with missing custom values
- Step 7: Save changes, and you’re ready to roll!
- Note:
- What’s Next:
Step 1: Access the dashboard menu
Click on the three-dot menu of a dashboard.
Step 2: Choose “Duplicate to another sub-account”
Select the option to duplicate the dashboard to a different sub-account.
Step 3: Customize the duplicate dashboard name
Change the name of the duplicated dashboard as per your requirement.
Step 4: Select the target sub-account
Search and choose the sub-account where you want to duplicate the dashboard.
Step 5: Click duplicate
Execute the duplication process.
Navigate to the new sub-account to view the duplicate dashboard.
Step 6: Edit widgets with missing custom values
If there were any custom values or fields on the original dashboard, those will not be copied to the duplicate, and you will see an error banner informing you about this.
Widgets where such values and fields are missing will be highlighted in red.
You can edit those widgets and update the required values and filters.
Once done, click save, and the error state will disappear
Step 7: Save changes, and you’re ready to roll!
Ensure to save any changes made during the duplication process.
Wondering which plan unlocks the customizable multiple Dashboards?
It’s currently available exclusively for the $497 plan and beyond. If you’re on the $97 or $297 plan, we recommend leveling up to unlock this feature.
What’s Next:
- How to Edit a dashboard
- How to pin dashboards as favourite
- How to manage permissions for a dashboard