How to load Snapshots with Dashboards





Now agency users can save time during onboarding and provide their locations with pre-configured dashboards as they begin. This enhancement allows agencies to create snapshots of their  dashboard setup in one account and easily load it into other existing or new locations, applying all configurations seamlessly.


Step 1: Navigate to Account Snapshots

  • Head over to Agency View and navigate to the Account Snapshots page.aun3P3T1bTgoCYo2rtuJHY2dNGs8W4rlw

Step 2: Create New Snapshot

  • Click on “Create New Snapshot” and give it a name. Choose the source account where your desired setup is located.

Step 3: Save Snapshot

  • Once saved, you’ll see your snapshot added to the list.Tau7OAAdHn2ZkEVUfH6bfF7E6kE b1WtBQ

Step 4: Choose Target Location

  • Now, you can either create a new account to load this snapshot into or choose an existing Sub account from the list.UV rsFhkW xMnU6vrD7Ue3M 9zkyiCyWJQ

Step 5: Load Snapshot

  • Click on “Actions” and then “Load Snapshot”. Search for the snapshot you want to load.fL1mny5bU2MNXTWked7ZZafm9Pj9SPPrIA

Step 6: Select Dashboards

  • In the asset list, locate the dashboard category and choose all the dashboards you want to load.

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  • Private Dashboards Exclusion: Private dashboards are not included in the snapshot asset list. Ensure that the required dashboards are not private to include them in the snapshots.

Step 7: Confirm and Proceed

  • Confirm your selection and proceed with the loading process.y0 uoIVDKPGub2VIM Jr5Msd2mHpAgN0JQ
  • You will be notified once the snapshot is successfully loaded.l4p SLPO32Vkdvk11N8P2LhNzfUs6BAbkg

Step 8: View Loaded Dashboards

  • Head over to the target location, and you’ll find the dashboards loaded in the dashboard list.20sgYBpsVNeixdD1tXBYQ 3opTqIOZuGdA

Important Notes:

Include Linked Assets: Dashboards are loaded with all widgets, conditions, filters, and custom widgets. However, make sure to include other assets linked to dashboard widgets (e.g., custom values and pipelines). Failure to do so may result in an error message on specific dashboards, indicating missing properties. Edit each highlighted widget to correct the properties and save to remove the error.
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Wondering which plan unlocks the customizable multiple Dashboards?
It’s currently available exclusively for the $497 plan and beyond. If you’re on the $97 or $297 plan, we recommend leveling up to unlock this feature. 

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