How to Set Up Call Tracking (Number Pool)





Number pools are a great way to track the calls driven by paid campaigns. Using number pools, you can attribute call-tracking conversations based on specific phone numbers being shown to leads that land on designated landing pages and websites. These numbers(s) are only displayed on specific pages and are only shown to leads who take a specific course of action. They’re also known as “call tracking codes,” but we call them “number pools.”

In this article, we’ll go over how to set up number pools so you can start collecting data about your visitors. 

Covered in this article:

How to set up number pools for call tracking

How To Test Number Swapping

How To Set Up Keyword Tracking

To swap numbers in a button:

Group ID


How to set up number pools for call tracking

Update: We can’t enter gclid in the URL to imitate Google ads now. It should be from the actual Google ads.

Please Note:

Update (July 29, 2020)
For US Numbers (10-digit local numbers), you can now put the number in any one of these three formats 111-222-3333, 111.222.3333, or (111) 222-3333, and the swap script will recognize and swap the number.

Click on Settings.

Click on Phone Numbers.

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Add Number Pool

Click “Add Number Pool.” You can find it under the “+ Add Number” dropdown menu located at the right side of the page.

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Visitors Activity

Since we are creating a number pool for call tracking purpose, we will select “Visitors Activity” option.


From this list, Select which visitors you want to track. Once you pick, Click on Next: Create Pool

We recommend tracking All visitors

Note : If you select PPC search, the number on the website will only switch when the visitors are landing from a paid ad.


Number Name

In this field, you can name your tracking number.

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Pool Size

Each number pool has minimum 4 tracking numbers in it. You can decide the size of the pool depending on the volume of your calls. More the volume, more tracking numbers will be needed.


Forwarding Number

Here you can enter the main business number or the number where you would like to receive calls whenever the callers dial the tracking number.


Swapping Number 

Input the phone number you would like the system to update on your website. It can either be the same number as the forwarding number you have set in the previous step or you can uncheck the box to provide a different number.


By checking this box, you acknowledge that you are purchasing 4 new phone number to add to your number pool.

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Once you fill out all information, Click on Next: Choose Numbers.

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When creating a tracking numbers, You have the option to choose Phone number(s) local to the area code, a toll free number or numbers from any given area code.

Local Number

When you select local number, you will be shown 4 different phone numbers local to the phone number you have set as a “Forwarding Number” in the beginning of this process.


Toll-free numbers
Second options gives you the ability to choose toll free numbers for your number pool. you can go for this option when there are no numbers available in your desired area code.

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To se the available toll-free numbers, Choose the area code from the dropdown menu.

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Numbers from any given area code

If you are open to choose a phone number from a different region, just type the area code and click “Check Availability” and you will see the available phone numbers in a few seconds.

If you have created a tracking number from any of the 3 methods above, Lets go to the next steps. Click “Next : Number Features.”

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Whisper Message

When you receive a call, you will hear this message. If you set the whisper message as “Call from (Source)” then the whisper message will be something like “Call from a ad campaign.” The caller cannot hear this message. This is only for you as a CRM user to hear.

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Call recording

Here you can use the check box to allow the system to record the calls and also customize the message the caller should hear such as “This call will be recorded for quality assurance purposes.”

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Click on Activate Number

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Integrating the Snippet

Once you set up the number pool, you will need to integrate the snippet on your website. below is the step by step process :

Go to Number Pools option.

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Go to the number pool you want to use. Click three dots.

Click “Number Pool Info”


Copy the “Normal Snippet Code.” This is the code we need to paste onto the Website/Funnel.

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Head over to “Sites” section. Click on Funnels or Websites.
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Click the funnel where you want to use the number pool.

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Once you are inside the funnel/website, click “Settings” tab. Now Paste the copied Normal snippet at the bottom of your Body Tracking code field.

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Click Save. This will swap the number within the entire Funnels/Websites.

If you want the number to swap on one single funnel/website page, click Tracking Code icon at the top left side.


Click the “Footer Tracking” option at the right side.

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Now paste the code in the code editor.

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Click “Save” to proceed ahead.

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Go back to our number pool setup. Hover over the number pool you just created and Click the three dots menu.


Click on “Update Tracking Number.”

Copy the swapping Number and paste it on the Funnels/websites.


In order to update the swapping number, Follow these steps :

Click three dots menu.

Click “Edit Configuration.”


Uncheck the option “Swapping number(s) same as forwarding number” and set your own swapping number. Enter the swapping number in the respective field and Click on “Add” button.


Now you can paste the swapping number on the website.

Once the number pool is set up and running, you can view the Keyword column under Reporting in the “Call Report.”

Your website visitors search the keywords, then they land on your website and call the tracking number, we will be able to attribute the source, and keyword in the call reporting tab.

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After you scroll to the right and click the arrow down button here, you can also look at the link the contact was visiting. You can also click the contact’s name to view their activities:

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How To Test Number Swapping

Once you’ve added the tracking script to the Body of your webpage, you can test that the number swap is working by opening an incognito browser.

You would enter the following into your incognito browser then hit enter.


If the Tracking Option All Except Direct is selected, we must link the landing page URL from another webpage instead of entering the link directly from the browser to test.

e.g. link Apple Smiles with

How To Set Up Keyword Tracking

For HighLevel to display the keyword that was searched before the call was initiated, you’ll need to add the following parameter to the ad URL in Google Ads: ?keyword={keyword}

So if you have a Google Ad with a url like you would update that url to be:{keyword} 

Related: New Feature Released — Call Tracking!!

To swap numbers in a button:

You can use an anchor tag and set href with the phone no and text as you want.

e.g. <a href=”tel:(972) 421-5139″ class=”btn btn-blue”>Call Us</a>

Group ID

It will help to swap only one number but not each and every number from different number pools. So it will find the best matching number pool and swap number.

Use-case Example:

If the user is running two ads. If the leads land on the first ad, the website will show a different number; if they land on the second ad, the website will show another different number.

Then they need to change the source according to the ad and set the group using a Group ID.

Edit the number pool > Click on Add/Edit Group Id > Name the group Id > Click Update.

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You can click on the information icon to copy the Group snippet to integrate it in the footer of your website:

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1. Why must we set up number pools to track calls?

We recommend setting up call tracking for all sources. We can determine how they arrive at your website by switching the phone number as soon as leads land from different sources. For example, for real live Google ads, there are &gclid parameters at the end of the landing URL. That’s how our snippet code sees them and switches the number accordingly, so once they call that tracking number, we match up with the website cookies, link them, and attribute the source to the leads.

Once the website visitors call the tracking number, we can attribute keywords in the Call reporting tab. So this column keyword will be filled out with those data:

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2. What is the cost/price for setting up a Number Pool?

The standard phone number monthly fee and usage charges apply to a number pool just like a standard phone number within HighLevel.

3. Can I direct calls from the Number Pool to the web app or the mobile app?

Currently, this is not possible. Calls made to Number Pool can only go to the ‘Forward Calls to’ number.