The “Import Contacts and Opportunities” feature allows you to efficiently import both contacts and opportunities from a CSV file. You can map fields, create or update records, and monitor the import process seamlessly, ensuring accurate data entry and time-saving for bulk actions.
Do check out the following files before importing both contacts and opportunities: Import Contacts and Import Opportunities.
Step 1: Access Import Option
- Navigate to the Opportunities section and click on the three dots (options menu).
- Choose the Import option to begin the process.
Step 2: Select Objects to Import
- In the import screen, select both Contacts and Opportunities as the objects you want to import and click on “Next”.
Step 3: Upload CSV File
- Upload a CSV file containing details for both Contacts and Opportunities.
- Decide for each object whether you want to Create, Update, or Create & Update records during the import.
- If an Opportunity ID is provided in the CSV, the opportunity will be updated. If not, a new opportunity will be created.
- Click on “Next”
Contact de-duplication settings will be automatically fetched from the global settings and cannot be updated during the import process

Step 4: Map fields
- Map fields from the CSV to the correct object fields.
- Ensure you are selecting the right object (Contacts or Opportunities) when mapping each field to avoid errors.
- This feature also allows the creation of contacts with multiple email addresses and phone numbers. These additional details will be added automatically during the import process.
- If Contacts and Opportunities are on the same line in the CSV, they will be automatically mapped to each other.
Step 5: Verify and Import
- Review your mappings, then confirm and proceed with the import.
- You can also choose to create a smartlist, add contacts to a workflow or add a new tag to the imported contacts.
Step 6: Monitor Import Status
- You can monitor the progress and status of the import via the Contacts and Opportunities Bulk Actions Pages.
- Both contacts and opportunities imports will appear in the same place under Bulk Actions.
- Click on the “Show Stats” button to view Stats of the import – you can also download the error log and view further details about the error and how to fix them in the “Error” tab