Moving Numbers tool across sub-accounts





How to move numbers across sub-accounts


Step 1. Click on Settings

Quick path:

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2. Click on Phone Integration

3. Click on Move Numbers


4. Now you can move numbers across sub-accounts

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5. Click on Move numbers and you will be able to see the moved number in the destination sub-account!

Types of Number Transfers:

  • LC Phone to LC Phone

    • Use the internal Move Numbers tool

Possible reasons why we can’t move the numbers:

1. If you are connected to your own Twilio account, The number you are trying to move might be under a different Twilio master account.

If you are using your own Twilio account, but in some sub-accounts your client sign up for their own Twilio account:

To perform this action, both Twilio account owners will need open a ticket with Twilio support here:

Moving Twilio Phone Numbers to another Twilio Account

You can identify the Account SID in the Agency Settings > Twilio page >

Create a support ticket with Twilio support with the following details:


Email Subject: Moving numbers request

Email Template:

Hi Twilio Support,

I would like to move the following phone number(s) to a new sub-account –

Losing sub-account SID – E.g. AC8a0eac4ea7651eba06137bbf1a907df62d < Replace the Twilio sub-account SID where the number is currently in 

Gaining sub-account SID – E.g. AC8a0eac4ea7651eba06137bbf1a907df62d < Replace the Twilio sub-account SID here where the number should be moved to

Time-frame: ASAP

Please process this request at the earliest because it is business-critical for me


2. The number you are trying to move requires the bundles and addresses verified at the subaccount level.

E.g. Australian number +61.

We will not be able to move these types of numbers. To move the number, please set up a bundle/address in the destination subaccount: Purchase Twilio Number – “Please Select Bundle/Address to Purchase Number”

After the steps are done in the article above, please create a support ticket with Twilio support using the template above.

Error: Request failed with status code 400

3. If you are on LC Phone and the tool isn’t moving the numbers

Check out

If both sub-accounts are on LC Phone and the tool isn’t working, please contact HighLevel support to move the numbers for you, provide the location id of the numbers you are trying to move from and to

Moving number is: 

Location id where the number is in:  

Location id where you want to move the number to: 


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Once you provide us with the information above, we will be able to identify the account SID and submit this in the escalation notes for the specialist to create a ticket with Twilio.    


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