Purchase Twilio Number – “Please Select Bundle/Address to Purchase Number”





If you are buying a phone number for countries like Australia, you might encounter this error Please select ‘address’ to purchase number.

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That’s because we will need to verify the address and bundle in the Twilio SUB-account:

1. Go to the Account dropdown on the top-right menu, click on Subaccounts



2. If there are too many subaccounts inside Twilio, you can go back to HighLevel and copy the Account SIN for that location to search in Twilio:


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Search based on the Twilio Subaccount SID in HighLevel agency settings -> Twilio

Paste the Account SID here and click on it:

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3. Click into the subaccount so you will see there’s an orange text on the top left:


Go to Explore Products -> Scroll down to click on Phone numbers 

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Click Phone numbers:

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Click on Regulatory Compliance and add Bundles and Addresses

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For Bundles, you can learn more about Twilio international phone number availability and their capabilities here.

For Dual Functionality (Voice and SMS enabled) Phone Numbers, please choose Mobile for the type of Phone numbers here:

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Once the bundle is added, add an address as well:

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Once Twilio approved the bundles, the bundles and addresses will show up in the dropdown once you are trying to buy numbers in the location.