Remediate ‘Spam Likely’ on your Caller ID using Free Caller Registry





In this article, we will learn how we can increase our call answer rates by remediating ‘spam likely’ / ‘potential spam’ / ‘scam likely’ on the caller ID in the US (US only).

If the phone number flagged as ‘spam likely’ is relatively new or not critical to your business or has a FTC complaint, we recommend trashing the phone number and getting a new one. It’s faster, easier and more convenient for you as compared to remediating the ‘spam likely’ tag.

If the phone number flagged as ‘spam likely’ is important to you and you can’t replace it with a new one, we recommend registering on Free Caller Registry.

What is Free Caller Registry?

Carriers like AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon use analytics engines to generate and maintain spam scores for caller IDs. These 3 carriers have different analytics engines. All the 3 analytics engines partnered to create Free Caller Registry where you can submit a single request and all of them will re-consider the ‘spam likely’ tag on your caller ID.

How to submit a request on Free Caller Registry?

  1. Go to Free Caller Registry
  2. Click on ‘Register Here’
  3. Fill out this information to the best of your knowledge 0ncAYBjtBqgFQelvjzaaXMBA6AUsZasEgg
  4. The recommended values for some fields have been shown in the screenshot above. They’re also listed below:
    1. Display name (beside Phone Number): blank
    2. I believe my calls are: Other
    3. Service Providers: Twilio
    4. Please provide further information if you have received specific feedback … : blank
  5. Click ‘Submit’

Within 4 business days, the spam flag should be removed. If it is NOT, then you can re-submit this on Free Caller Registry or try submitting it directly on the 3 analytics engines. Their links are stated below:

  1. Hiya (AT&T):
  2. First Orion (T-Mobile):
  3. Transaction Network Services (Verizon):

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time does this usually take?

Usually around 4 business days for all 3 analytics engines.

How many times can I submit this?

As many times as you want. No limits at all.

How much does a submission cost?

It’s free of cost.