Workflow Trigger – Invoice







The Invoice Workflow is designed to automate actions based on the status of an invoice. This workflow can be triggered when an invoice is sent or paid, allowing for automated follow-up actions such as sending notifications or updating records.

Trigger Name

Invoice Status Changes

Trigger Description

The “Invoice Status Changed” trigger activates when an invoice’s status changes. It allows you to perform actions based on the new status of the invoice, such as sending follow-up emails or SMS notifications.

How to Configure

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  • Navigate to Workflows:

    • Go to the workflows section of your platform.
  • Create a New Workflow:

    • Name the workflow something like “Invoice Status Workflow”.
  • Set Up the Trigger:

    • Trigger Type: Invoice
    • Event: Invoice Status Changed
    • Filters:
      • Invoice Status: Sent or Paid
  • Add Actions Based on the Status:

    • Action Type: (e.g., Send Email, Send SMS, Update Record)
    • Configure the action details according to the desired outcome when an invoice status changes.

Value Description Mandatory
Invoice Status The status of the invoice (e.g., Sent, Paid) Yes
Select Additional filters if needed (e.g., Customer Tag, Custom Field) No


Workflow Name: Invoice Status Workflow

Trigger Configuration:

  1. Choose a Workflow Trigger:
    • Trigger Type: Invoice
    • Event: Invoice Status Changed
  2. Workflow Trigger Name: Invoice Status
  3. Filters:
    • Invoice Status: Sent or Paid

Send Email (If Invoice Sent)

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  1. Action Type: Send Email
    • Action Name: Notify Invoice Sent
    • Recipient: {{Contact.Email}}
    • Subject: Your Invoice Has Been Sent
    • Message:
      Hi {{Contact.FirstName}}, Your invoice has been sent. Please check your email for details. Thank you for your business! Best regards, [Your Business Name]

Send SMS (if Invoice Paid):

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  1. Action Type: Send SMS
    • Action Name: Confirm Invoice Payment
    • Recipient: {{Contact.PhoneNumber}}
    • Message:
      Hi {{Contact.FirstName}}, thank you for your payment. Your invoice has been marked as paid. Best regards, [Your Business Name]