How to Create and Use a Coupon/Promo Code in HighLevel- One Step Form





Using Coupon/Promo codes with your audience can generate more sales and allow you to offer specific products and deals to specific leads or customers. This article quickly explains how to use a Promo code within the One Step Order Form in HighLevel’s Funnel Builder.

NOTE: This article assumes that you have already created a funnel in HighLevel, associated product(s) and have a One Step Order Form in the funnel. If you haven’t done these items, we highly recommend that you check out the other videos in HighLevel’s Funnel Builder section first. 

Part 1: Organizing Products

Step 1: You will need to have two products added to your funnel in HighLevel. The first product will be the full price product and the second one will be the discounted product. The second product will be hidden initially and will be revealed as the discount option when the code is entered. This will also hide the full price product. 

NOTE: This will only work with one full price product and one discount product. The code is for the One Step Order Form products only. It is not for Bump or Upsell products. 

Part 2: Custom Code for Promo Code

Step 1: Edit the Funnel Step where the One Step Order form resides

Step 2: In Settings, click on Tracking Code

EcRpWHGFHxvbzsyCnUR8rhKmt56AGG17ccCTrRRYZ7udJ8zs5q3Px3CZkqgs6PR RKu2AdZ 4

Step 3: Select Footer Code

Step 4: Paste in Copied Code (from the bottom of this article)

TIWvh4rKFHMS TfvKsgGqL5sRGR23O66 CZ9u WnSLob0nYgwubelEBKPYr0BOYgpnGkydlwPnN I HZjFJwQhHU0m75l95hIo EHaWzfT178Te1WBeFJ2pcootRYEjDqsWK44=s0

Part 3: Customize Your Coupon Code

ffwyIpZ05q0iy5og0YKfxh9qsUj 4U2CLQNB1mKq6C9dRjfb9dVcFA2GI P3v2C6nT1HCyq9yYs94BiPUy3CIaYttH Glv5pBMVRO1w9QLGOguTA

Step 1: Before saving, scroll up to the top of the code

Step 2: Type in the Coupon Code you wish to use. You should type over the examples ‘TESTCODE’ , ‘tcode’ , ‘twenty20’   

NOTE: If you want to use more than one coupon code, you can enter multiple separated by commas. This is the default setting in the code you copied in. 

Step 3: Click Yes, Save

Part 4: Test Your Code

Step 1: Preview your page.

Step 2: Enter in details for the first step.

Step 3: Enter in your promo code for second step and watch your discount product offer appear!

    window.hlpt = window.hlpt || {};
    window.hlpt.mycodes = 
      ['TESTCODE', 'Tcode', 'twenty20', 'twenty' ]; // enter your coupon codes here
  <script src="" integrity="sha256-/xUj+3OJU5yExlq6GSYGSHk7tPXikynS7ogEvDej/m4=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
    $(document).ready(function () {
      if (Array.isArray(window.hlpt.mycodes)) {
    function hlpt_handle_products_description() {
      var hlpt_header = document.querySelector(
        '.form-payment .product-detail .product-description:first-child input[type=radio]');
      if (!document.body.contains(hlpt_header)) {
        setTimeout(hlpt_handle_products_description, 250);
      } else {
        var product_regular = 'regularprod';
        var product_offer = 'offerprod';
        $('.form-payment .product-detail .product-description:first-child input[type=radio]').attr('id', product_regular);
        $('.form-payment .product-detail .product-description:nth-child(2) input[type=radio]').attr('id', product_offer);
        hlpt_apply_coupon_code(product_regular, product_offer);
    function hlpt_apply_coupon_code(product_regular, product_offer) {
      window.hlpt.mycodes = (a) {
        return a.toUpperCase();
      var promo_code_input = document.querySelector("#promo_code");
      if (!document.body.contains(promo_code_input)) {
        var coupon_input =
          '<input type='text' id='promo_code' name='promo_code' placeholder='Enter promo code...' class='form-input' />';
      $('.form-payment .product-detail .product-description [id=' + product_offer + ']').closest('.product-description')
      $('#promo_code').on('keyup', function (e) {
        if ($.inArray($('#promo_code').val().toUpperCase(), window.hlpt.mycodes) > -1) {
          $('.form-payment .product-detail .product-description [id=' + product_offer + ']').click();
          $('.form-payment .product-detail .product-description [id=' + product_regular + ']').closest(
          $('.form-payment .product-detail .product-description [id=' + product_offer + ']').closest(
        } else {
          $('.form-payment .product-detail .product-description [id=' + product_regular + ']').click();
          $('.form-payment .product-detail .product-description [id=' + product_offer + ']').closest(
          $('.form-payment .product-detail .product-description [id=' + product_regular + ']').closest(