How To Customize The HighLevel Membership Welcome Email





There are a few options to send credentials when someone creates their Membership account. You may want to customize this email for your members, so follow these steps to review your options:

Option 1: System-Generated Email Using a Template

Step 1: Navigate to Memberships > Settings > Toggle On the “Send Welcome Email” option.

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Step 2: Choose a template from the dropdown list.

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NOTE: This will send an automated email from HighLevel with login credentials to the user when they complete the offer checkout. This email template can be customized and saved within the Email Builder

Step 3: Save your changes.

Option 2: Create a Trigger to Send a Customized Email

Step 1: Navigate to Triggers > Add Trigger

Step 2: Choose Membership New Signup for “What should trigger this rule?” 

Step 3: Choose Send Email for the first action

Step 4: Enter in your ‘Send From’ email

Step 5: Use {{}} custom value as the ‘Send To’ email

Step 6: Enter in your Subject Line

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Step 7: Enter in the content of your email.


Step 8: Note that by using ‘Membership New Signup’ you now have access to new custom values. These are called Membership Login and are at the bottom of the Custom Values list. Grab both email and password and place them appropriately in the body of your email. 

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Step 9: If you use Option 2, be sure to toggle off the system-generated email (Option 1). Otherwise both the system-generated template option, and the trigger-customized options will be sent.