If you’ve already created a funnel in ClickFunnels, you can import into HighLevel to save time. Follow these steps to learn how to import a funnel from ClickFunnels.
Step 1: Grabbing the Link from ClickFunnels
- Navigate to your ClickFunnels account and grab the funnel URL you wish to import.
- Copy the link (be sure it’s the https:// version)
Step 2: Import the Funnel to HighLevel
- Navigate to Funnels, and click into the funnel you wish to update.
- Click “Add New Step” and in the popup window, name it whatever you’d like.
- Then, in the 3rd field, paste the entire funnel link from the ClickFunnels funnel you want to import.
- Grab the path from that URL and paste it into the path field.
- Click “Create Funnel Step”.
- Allow a moment for the import to complete. After it loads, you can see what’s been imported, and make any changes within the builder.
- Be sure to save to confirm your changes/updates!
NOTE: You must use https:// as the URL when importing. Using just https:// will produce an error.