If you’re looking for better data related to your business, Smart Lists are the place to start.
Smart Lists are a powerful tool that can help you take your business to the next level. They provide a wealth of data that can help you make better decisions, target your marketing efforts more effectively, and streamline your business management.
In order to use Smart Lists to their full potential, it’s important to first understand how they work. Smart Lists are found within the Contacts section of HighLevel, and they allow you to create curated lists that stay up to date based on a variety of criteria.

With Smart Lists, you can filter by…
- People who have completed a workflow
- Last activity type or last activity range
- Name
So, you could create a smart list of everyone who…
- Has completed a certain email workflow, AND
- Has engaged with me in the last 7 days, AND
- Is named Matt
THEN, you can see if…
- They read this…
- They replied here…
- They didn’t do that
- They got this tag…
The best part about these lists is that they are saveable and shareable. This makes Smart Lists a great tool for teams who need to work together and share data.
Do you see how cool this is?
I love Smart Lists because they really showcase HighLevel’s interactivity. They’re where everything comes together– where all of the activity across the system can be filtered down to data you can use to make better decisions.
If you take advantage of Smart Lists, you’ll be able to recognize segments where you can be really specific and actual with your marketing and business management.
Not to mention if you’re building a snapshot for clientele, it’s super cool for the everyday business owner to be able to see…
- Facebook leads
- Past customers
- Who left a review
All in ONE place!
Creating these lists for your clients will make the system more approachable and usable, and they’ll feel super organized, all thanks to you and your genius data-synthesizing skills.
Can you tell how stoked I am on this feature?!!
Smart Lists are a powerful and versatile tool that can help you manage your business more effectively. Whether you’re trying to target your marketing efforts or create a snapshot of your clientele, Smart Lists can help you get the data you need to make better decisions. So, if you aren’t already using Smart Lists, be sure to give them a try and see the difference they can make for your business.
If you want to watch a detailed walkthrough of how we use Smart Lists, check out this video.