- What is the Contact Timezone?
- How to Disable Contact Timezone?
- How to Set Your Business’ Timezone (Sub-Account)
- What Contacts Will See When Scheduling
What is the Contact Timezone?
When a contact is scheduling an appointment, they are given the option to select the timezone they reside in so the appointment gets booked for the proper time relative to their schedule.
FOR EXAMPLE: A contact located in New York City schedules an appointment for 5pm with a company located in San Fransisco.
If the contact time zone feature is DISABLED, the appointment will be created for 5pm PST, because that is the time zone in which the HighLevel location resides.
If the contact time zone feature is ENABLED, the appointment would have been created for 5pm EST, since the contact is located in New York, and the business would see an appointment scheduled for 2pm PST.
If you want to remove the ability for contacts to adjust the timezone when scheduling appointments, you can turn this feature off and ONLY allow contacts to schedule appointments in the timezone assigned to the HighLevel sub-account.
How to Disable Contact Timezone?
Disabling the contact timezone will prevent users from scheduling appointments in time zones other than the business’s timezone.
If you have a client whose business is near a timezone border (or maybe the business is in a popular tourist town that receives customers from other time zones), you may want to prevent people from being able to book appointments in their time zones.
To prevent people from being able to book appointments in their time zones, navigate to Settings > Business Profile, then scroll down until you see the “General” section on the right side of the screen and activate the “Disable Contact Timezone” checkbox.
Click Here To learn more about BUSINESS PROFILE settings
How to Set Your Business’ Timezone (Sub-Account)
It is very important to have your sub-account’s timezone set properly, especially if you are not allowing contacts to adjust the timezone manually when scheduling.
To view and/or adjust your sub-account’s timezone, navigate to Settings > Business Profile and find the “Time Zone” field located on the right side of the screen under the “Business Physical Address” options.
Click Here To learn more about BUSINESS PROFILE settings
What Contacts Will See When Scheduling
The screenshots below are examples of when your calendars will look like depending on whether you have enabled or disabled the Contact Timezone feature.
Contact Timezone DISABLED
With the “Disable Contact Timezone” box selected, users will no longer see the time zone dropdown selector in the calendar widget (see screenshot below), and all appointments will be made in whatever time zone is set within the location settings.
Contact Timezone ENABLED (default setting)
This screenshot shows the default calendar widget with the timezone preference. By default, the contact timezone is enabled, giving your contacts the ability to change the timezone where the appointment is being scheduled.