How to Migrate My Agency Over to LC – Email





If you are an existing client with Mailgun or SMTP integrated High Level, please follow the guide below. 

If you are a 'New Agency' and have not integrated any SMTP/Mailgun provider you are already on LC - Email by default. You can check by testing

LC – Email is designed to help agencies avoid the hassle of signing up for Mailgun or any 3rd party email service provider. In the past, when an agency signed up they would need to either integrate with Mailgun or another email service provider to send/receive emails.

With LC – Email, sending & receiving email works right out of the box, on every subaccount. This article will help you migrate your Agency and sub-accounts over to the LC – Email.

Covered in this Article:

How to migrate over to LC – Email

How to check if you are on LC – Email server (Video).

Related Articles: 
How to Set Up a Dedicated Sending Domain Within a Sub-Account

How to migrate over to LC – Email

Head into your Agency Settings > Email Services. If you see the button ‘Use LC – Email’ please select LeadConnector as the default provider and follow the prompts:


Please Note:

Clicking the 'Use LC - Email' button will not affect sub-accounts that already have SMTP or Mailgun integrated, please follow the steps below to remove the existing SMTP integration

After clicking the 'Use LC - Email' button all new accounts will automatically switch over to LC - Email. You can still configure new accounts away from LC- Email by integrating your own Mailgun or SMTP.

If you are trying to add the domain/subdomain but it is showing the following error:

Request Failed

This domain ( is already configured inside a Mailgun account.

Login to Mailgun and delete it from there so you can use it in LC Email

Please Create a New Support Request if you believe the domain should be deleted.

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To remove the SMTP integration:

1. Select LeadConnector as the Default provider

2. click on the Gmail integration

3. Click the trash icon

How to check if you are on LC – Email server (Video).

If your sending domain is listed below you have officially switched over to LC – Email

Related Articles: How to Set Up a Dedicated Sending Domain Within a Sub-Account